Guidance for joint appointments of health and care professionals

The Follett principles have been in place for doctors' joint appointments for many years. The fundamental principle from Follett for HEIs and NHS organisations is “joint working to integrate separate responsibilities”.
Follett has key areas for joint working between the two employers:
▪ joint recruitment and appointment
▪ jointly agreed induction
▪ joint job planning
▪ joint appraisal
▪ agreed processes for management of performance and conduct.
These principles are important in establishing joint working and should not be limited to doctors. This guidance document supports organisations implementing the Follett Principles for regulated, registered health and care professional (HCP) clinical academics.
HCPs are regulated and registered healthcare professionals, excluding doctors and dentists, registered with a national regulatory body. They are ‘jointly’ employed by HEIs and partner NHS provider organisations.
These guidelines are published in partnership by NHS Employers and the University and College Employers Association, and have been developed in consultation with representatives from NHS England, the Clinical Academic Roles Implementation Network (CARIN) within the Council of Deans of Health, and the National Institute for Health and Care Research.