Educational and career support for locally employed doctors

In August, the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) published guidance on educational and career support for locally employed doctors (LEDs) and international medical graduates (IMGs)
In this guidance the RCP states that the LED workforce is a rapidly growing section of the NHS and that all doctors working in the NHS should have access to training, education and leadership opportunities. In particular, IMGs new to the NHS often have need of greater support.
This is a topic of high importance and we welcome the RCP’s focus on the needs of LED and IMGs, who play an essential role in the medical workforce. We would encourage employers to note the points raised around educational supervision, protected time for development and increased action against racism in the workplace.
The needs of LEDs and IMGs is an area of the workforce that stakeholders must continue to work on together from different perspectives
We are keen to hear more on this subject, in particular from employers who have undertaken work to better support the education and training of LEDs.