
Agile working in a digital space

The eleventh agiLab workshop will explore the importance of relationships in a digital space, system automation and AI to support agile arrangements.
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General information

19 November 2024 10:00 - 13:00 GMT
Open to all

agiLab is a collaboration between University of Sussex and the NHS to develop research led best practice for effective agile working.

Join us at the next agiLab workshop that will explore the impact of digital platforms on the way we relate to one another in an agile working environment.  

You will be given practical tips on transforming your workplace using automation and Artificial Intelligence to support agile working arrangements. 


  • Dr Emma Russell, director of agiLab, will open the session and provide a research round up on agile working. 

  • In light of the online activity and its contribution to the Summer’s events of public disorder and violence,  our thought leader will share insight into workplace cyberbullying and reflect on the importance of courtesy and respect in online communications at work. 

  • Dr Francesca Sobande, Cardiff University will reflect on her lived experiences and explore the impact of building responsible and considerate online communities.  

  • Sarah Hayden, director of people operations, Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust, will share how automation and AI is supporting agile working and the resulting benefits for the trust and its staff.

More information

This webinar will be held on MS Teams. 

  • Before joining, please check the system requirements to avoid any connection issues, this include a list of the best web browsers to use with this platform. Access the list of recommended settings.

  • We are committed to hosting an inclusive and accessible event that enables everyone to attend and engage fully. Please get in touch if you have any additional requirements before attending.