EU Settlement Scheme

The EU Settlement Scheme was implemented following the UK departure from the EU.
Latest update
- Updates on the Home Office's automatic process to convert as many eligible pre-settled status holders to settled status as possible, without a further application.
- Further information that EUSS holders do not need to make an application for an eVisa.
- Updates for recognition of professional qualifications.
Key points
- The EU Settlement Scheme was open from 30 March 2019 to 30 June 2021 to all EEA citizens meeting eligibility criteria.
- Late applications to the scheme can still be submitted. Individuals must make an application under Appendix EU and provide evidence with their application setting out the reasons for the delay.
- From January 2025, the Home Office will automatically convert as many eligible pre-settled status holders as possible to settled status once they are eligible for it (without them needing to make an application).
- The Home Office intends to take steps to automatically convert as many eligible pre-settled status holders as possible to settled status once they are eligible for it (without them needing to make an application).
- Those with indefinite leave to enter/remain in the UK or have British or Irish citizenship do not need to apply.
- EU Settlement Scheme holders do not need to apply for an eVisa.
- Permanent resident documents are no longer valid. Those who have settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme can apply for British citizenship.
- EEA and Swiss qualified healthcare professionals will be able to continue to register with the relevant professional regulator, without the need to sit additional professional exams, mitigating delays to registration and employment in the NHS.
For more guidance on the EU Settlement Scheme, please visit the GOV.UK website.
Below are additional resources for the wider immigration system.
Resource | Description |
Skilled worker route | NHS Employers | The Skilled Worker Visa is a sponsored route available for individuals coming to the UK for work. |
Skilled worker: Health and Care visa | NHS Employers | The Health and Care Visa is a subsection of the Skilled Worker Visa. The Health and Care Visa applies to qualified doctors, nurses, allied professionals, and other professionals working in either health or social care. |
The points-based immigration system | NHS Employers | Collated guidance to assist employers to navigate the system points-based immigration system. |
Impacts of the changes to the UK immigration policy | NHS Employers | Learn more on UK immigration policy for those on a Health and Care Visa or Skilled Worker Visa. |
EU Settlement Scheme webinar | NHS Employers | A recording of our webinar with Capsticks LLP, discussing the political context and ways of supporting staff. |
Automatic conversion of pre-settled status to settled status
The Home Office announced a new process, introduced in phases, that will automatically convert as many eligible pre-settled status holders to settled status as possible, without a further application.
In the first phase, the Home Office will continue to extend pre-settled status by five years shortly before it is due to expire to ensure that nobody loses their rights for failure to make a second application to the EUSS.
After the extension has been applied, automated checks will be conducted against available government data to confirm eligibility for settled status. If a pre-settled status holder passes these checks, a grant of settled status will be issued, and their digital status will be automatically updated. Their digital status will be automatically updated, and they will be able to view and share their status in the usual way. Status holders will not need to take any action under this first phase.
If the Home Office does not have sufficient data to confirm eligibility for an automatic grant of settled status, individuals will be contacted and informed of the next steps and the need to continue meeting the requirements of their status.
Later in 2025, the Home Office intends to expand this process to enable more eligible pre-settled status holders to be converted to settled status without an application. Cases that the Home Office is unable to convert to settled status under the first phase may be reconsidered under the expanded process.
The Homes Office is also considering the appropriate next steps for cases where a pre-settled status holder has ceased to meet the conditions of their pre-settled status by not maintaining their continuous residence in the UK.
Recognition of professional qualifications by UK regulators
On 1 January 2021, the standstill regulations came into force which enabled EEA qualifications listed in the EU Directive on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications to continue to be automatically recognised in the UK for a period of up to two years. In 2023, the Secretary of State undertook a review of the standstill regulations. On 29 June 2023, a report was published confirming the decision to retain them.
Under a separate agreement that came into force on 1 December 2023, regulators are now required to put processes in place to recognise comparable professional qualifications obtained in Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. Regulators must also have processes in place to recognise comparable Swiss qualifications following a further agreement that came into force on 1st January 2025.
EEA and Swiss qualified healthcare professionals will be able to continue to register with the relevant professional regulator, without the need to sit additional professional exams, mitigating delays to registration and employment in the NHS. More information on this is available on the GOV.UK website.
Recording status on ESR
The Electronic Staff Record (ESR) includes fields to record and report on pre and settled status to ensure EU Settlement Scheme information can be suitably recorded.
Demonstrating settled status and right to work
EU staff are able to view and prove their settled status online using the GOV.UK website. Using this service, staff will be able to obtain a code to share with employers that will evidence their status. EEA nationals will need to demonstrate their right to work either by proving their pre-settled or settled status or with a visa under the points-based immigration system.
Information about employing EEA nationals
Employers should ask nationals from all EEA countries and Switzerland to prove their nationality by producing one of the documents, or combinations of documents, specified in the right to work checks standard document on our NHS Employment Check Standards web pages.
Immediate family members are also able to work freely in the UK while their adult EEA family member is legally residing and working here. Employers must check documentation to demonstrate this entitlement.
Which countries are part of the EEA?
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria*, Croatia*, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Republic of Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania*, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
*See further information below regarding worker restrictions.
Croatian nationals
Croatia joined the EU and also became part of the EEA on 1 July 2013.
From 30 June 2018, Croatian national registration requirements ended, bringing their right to work in the UK in line with other EU citizens.
Bulgarian and Romanian nationals
From 1 January 2014 labour market restrictions on individuals from Bulgaria and Romania ended and they are no longer subject to Immigration and Worker Authorisation Regulations 2013.
Turkish nationals
The European Community Association Agreement (ECAA) with Turkey provides Turkish nationals who are already legally employed in the UK with certain rights when they want to extend their stay. To be eligible, the Turkish national must have been granted or applied (successfully) for ECAA leave on or before 31 December 2020.
Employers will be able to use this documentation to check a potential or existing employee's right to work in the UK. A Turkish ECAA worker visa does not give the individual an automatic right to apply for indefinite leave to remain and any application to UK Visas and Immigration for indefinite leave to remain will be rejected. The duration of leave granted to an individual will be between 12 and 36 months. At the end of this period, another application must be made if further leave to remain is required.
A Turkish worker will, however, be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain after they have legally resided in the UK for a period of ten years, or two to fourteen years of continuous residence of any legality.
Further information can be found on the UK Visas and Immigration pages of the GOV.UK website.