How to embed flexible working for nurses

Read our guide to embedding flexible working for nurses which signposts to the latest research and thinking concerning flexible working, highlights what nurses look for in a flexible role, and identifies a number of key enablers to successfully embedding a culture of flexible working.
The guide has been put together based on extensive employer engagement and includes good practice examples from NHS organisations that have taken positive steps to increase flexible working and provides practical tips to help you get started.
This resource is aimed at colleagues that have a responsibility or interest in implementing flexible working, including HR professionals, line managers and nurse leaders. While the focus of this guide is tailored to the nursing workforce, improving access to flexible working for all staff groups is important in making the NHS an attractive place to work and many of the principles outlined in this guide can be applied regardless of job role, grade, or profession.
This guide has been commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement and the Department of Health and Social Care to support employer organisations to improve their offer of flexibility for the nursing workforce.