#StayAndThrive podcast

In this podcast we hear from:
- Mark Doblas, lead clinical practice facilitator at Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
- Ruby Faruqi, Stay and Thrive matron at Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS Trust
- Simon Littlefield, director of nursing and integrated care at St. Georges, Epsom and St. Helier NHS Trust (GESH)
All of our contributors bring something to the table. Mark and Ruby share their first-hand experience of being international recruits and how the #StayAndThrive programme has enabled them to support international recruits in their respective organisations. Simon talks passionately about the role of leaders in setting the culture in welcoming new international recruits.
You’ll hear advice on how often simple, practical actions can support international staff to stay and thrive and how working collaboratively has enabled the community to share knowledge and practice across different regions.