Reward in the NHS

NHS organisations provide some of the most comprehensive and attractive employment packages available. Adopting a strategic approach to reward can help employers meet workforce challenges such as attraction, recruitment, retention and staff engagement.
What is meant by reward
- Named benefits provided by an organisation to employees in exchange for their hard work and contribution. This is inclusive of all tangible and intangible benefits that can attract, retain and motivate people to work within organisations.
- A combination of both financial and non financial reward is known as a total reward approach.
Financial reward
The financial reward elements include pay and the NHS Pension Scheme.
Non-financial reward
The non-financial reward elements can be local initiatives that organisations put in place for their workforce and can include things like:
- flexible working policies
- opportunities for career development
- access to training
- recognition schemes.
If organisations strategically utilise a range of local and national reward offers this will contribute to them becoming an employer of choice and an excellent place to work.
Reward offers
Reward offers can be split into two categories.
Total Reward Statements (TRS)
In the NHS Total Reward Statements (TRS) can be used as a useful tool to help employees understand their overall reward package.
NHS Pension Scheme
The pension scheme is one of the most comprehensive and generous schemes in the UK. It should be seen as a key element of the overall reward package.
Other resources to support you
Developing your own reward strategy
To support employers with adopting a strategic approach to reward, we have developed a reward strategy toolkit. Depending on where your organisation is currently in creating a strategy will depend which phase you start from, but there are some helpful checklists which you can follow at each stage.
- Phase 1 - preparation and planning
- Phase 2 - development and design
- Phase 3 - implementation and communication
Reward and Recognition Network
- The reward and recognition network brings together colleagues from across the NHS with a responsibility or interest in reward to develop, share knowledge and experience.
- Hosted bimonthly, the network provides a safe space for colleagues across the NHS to join together to discuss their successes, seek help with challenges, work collaboratively and network with each other, as well as hear national updates from NHS Employers.
- You can find out more about our network on the Reward and Recognition network web page.
- NHS Employers has developed a suite of tools, guidance and resources to help employers with all aspects of reward and recognition.
- We also conduct an annual ‘Reward in the NHS’ survey, which helps us hear more about organisations approach to reward and how they communicate their strategies with staff.