Recruitment and retention of older workers

Experts suggest that recruiters should make the most of the skills and experience gained by older workers (generally regarded as those aged 50 and over) throughout their years in the workforce.
Fewer older people in work has driven a growth in economic inactivity in the UK. Two thirds of the overall rise in economic inactivity has been among those aged 50 and over according to analysis published by the Institute of Employment Studies, which looks at Office for National Statistics Vacancy Survey findings and Labour Force Survey data.
However, recent shifts in the labour market indicate that more older workers are re-entering the workforce, mainly because of rising living costs. Very few of those in their 50s considered themselves to be retiring and most are living on pensions or savings and are not in receipt of benefits. There is also an indication that in some sectors there are now more available job opportunities offering better pay which older workers are taking advantage of.
Despite the slight increase, research shows that 36 per cent of 50-69 year-olds feel at a disadvantage applying for jobs due to their age. Clearly, there is a lot more employers could do to make work more attractive and accessible for over 50s. Last year the Centre for Ageing Better published a Good Recruitment for Older Workers (GROW) guide, which is designed to help organisations recognise the negative role that age-related discrimination plays, provide practical suggestions for employers to become more age-inclusive, adopt fairer recruitment processes and also support staff to work longer in the NHS. In turn, increasing participation across the older demographic will help to manage economic recovery and retain the skills and knowledge in the sector that would otherwise be lost.
Our Labour Market Trends resource provides more context to the current trends in workforce data.
Age Inclusive workplace
Ensuring an age inclusive workplace, and introducing inclusive recruitment practices, can have a positive impact on recruiting and retaining older workers. Some suggestions on how to proactively encourage the recruitment of older workers include:
- Ensuring that recruitment campaigns are age positive which will encourage older workers into the workplace.
- Working with HR colleagues to make sure that the language and imagery uses in job adverts is diverse and inclusive. This may involve reviewing job requirements that could feasibly be taught in the workplace, or removing upper age limits on graduate schemes, apprenticeships and traineeships.
- Reinforcing that training and development opportunities are open to employees of all ages.
- Providing managers with training on ensuring that the workplace is age inclusive. This could involve support staff to understand issues such as the menopause and providing them with guidance on how to signpost people for extra support.
- Raising awareness of supporting employees with caring responsibilities, this may be supporting them through offering flexible working, helping them understand leave policies and general wellbeing support.
- Establishing age champions in the workplace, who will advocate for older workers and create opportunities for older workers to share any barriers they are experiencing in the workplace.
NHS employers has also published a number of other resources which can assist in making recruitment processes more age-inclusive:
- Older workers generally have a preference for flexible/agile working options and our flexible working guides could help with these approaches.
- To align with this there is also guidance on flexible retirement.
- Our toolkits, Inspire, Attract and Recruit and Improving Staff Retention contain further tips and advice on age-inclusive recruitment and retention.
The DWP has launched the mid-life MOT which helps older workers review and take stock of their finances, skills, and health. Everyone can access the digital offer online which will give them access to the best possible financial, health and career guidance.
The UK government offers the Help to Grow Portal offers free resources for employers and workers on menopause in the workplace. NHS Employers also offer guidance and case studies on improving menopause support.
Additionally there are some useful external resources relating to the recruitment of older workers:
- CIPD report: Understanding older workers
- Care4Notts: The Late Career Hub
- Business in the Community: Age inclusive recruitment: reaching talent of all ages.
Institute for Employment Studies (IES), Labour Market Statistics - Briefing September 2022,