Local clinical excellence awards: from 1 April 2022

The contractual entitlement to access an annual award round ceased on 1 April 2024. The annual award round from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024, which was based on evidence before 1 April 2023, was the final Local Clinical Excellence Award round.
Pre-2018 LCEAs will be retained and these awards shall remain pensionable and consolidated. The value of these awards is frozen. Pre-2018 LCEAs are awards granted prior to 1 April 2018 under local clinical excellence awards schemes in place as of 31 March 2018. The review process for these awards has been removed. Schedule 30 of the consultant contract will be updated to reflect these changes and we expect publication to be later in 2024.
National position on LCEAs following negotiations
Following the end of negotiations that did not reach an agreement, Schedule 30 has now been updated to remove redundant terms. The Schedule has been updated in agreement with Trade Unions to show the terms and conditions for Local Clinical Excellence Awards (LCEAs) from 1 April 2022.
Information for pre-2018 LCEAs and the four years covered by the interim arrangements from 2018/19-2021/22 can be found in previous versions of the terms and conditions.
More information on previous award rounds can be found on the pre-1st April 2022 web page.
Variations to previous arrangements can be implemented in consultation with your joint local negotiating committee (JLNC) or other consultant representative bodies where no JLNC exists. This should be a process of incremental improvement, and we hope that it will offer opportunities for you to incentivise and reward this vital part of your workforce in ways which works for your trust, and your doctors.
Schedule 30 requirements
There are some fixed contractual requirements, as set out in schedule 30 such as:
- awards must be non-pensionable and non-consolidated
- the need for processes for appeals and reviews of pre-2018 awards.*
*The contract does stipulate that reviews of pre-2018 consolidated awards need to be carried out. The underlying principle being that we move towards a state of rewarding current excellence.
We have developed resources to help with designing your LCEA arrangements.
National Clinical Impact Awards (NCIAs)
Access guidance from the Advisory Committee for Clinical Impact Awards (ACCIA) on the National Clinical Impact awards.
If you have any questions surrounding NCIAs, please email accia@dhsc.gov.uk