Joint statement from the government and the NHS Staff Council on the pay 'offer in principle'

Following a special NHS Staff Council meeting that took place on 16 March, the government confirmed to the Agenda for Change (AfC) trade unions and employers the details of a revised pay offer for 2022/23 and a proposal for a headline recurrent pay award uplift 2023/24.
Read the joint statement:
"The government and the NHS Staff Council – which brings together NHS employers and unions representing the Agenda for Change workforce – have completed negotiations and reached a final offer. This includes additional pay for 2022/23 and a pay settlement for 2023/24. Both sides believe it represents a fair and reasonable settlement that acknowledges the dedication of NHS staff, while acknowledging the wider economic pressures currently facing the UK.
"Those unions with mandates for industrial action Royal College of Nursing (RCN), UNISON, GMB, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), Unite and British Dietetic Association (BDA) will now consult their members in consultations that will be held over the coming weeks. Strike action will continue to be paused while these ballots are ongoing".
Please note - The above was the position on Thursday 16 March 2023. The position of the other Staff Council trade unions representing staff under the Agenda for Change terms and conditions was to be confirmed following this meeting.
Further information
Details of the government's revised pay offer for staff on Agenda for Change contracts for 2022/23 and 2023/24.
NHS Staff Council joint statements and papers.