Guidance for GP trainee mileage

Access the GP mileage guidance and the reimbursement guidance for backdated claims. This guidance has been produced to provide the necessary information for employing organisations on operationalising the current provisions in the absence of an updated version of the terms and conditions.
NHS Employers and the BMA have published joint guidance for the reimbursement of home to principle place of work mileage for trainees in a GP practice. The guidance will provide the necessary information for employing organisations on operationalising the current provisions in the absence of an updated version of the terms and conditions.
The amendments to the 2016 terms and conditions for doctors in training introduced a provision which allowed for GP trainees that are required to use their personal vehicle for home visits eligible for reimbursement for home to practice mileage and associated costs.
The lack of clarity in the wording caused problems for employing organisations as they have attempted to implement the provision.
This guidance, published in November 2020 aims to provide the necessary information for employing organisations on operationalising the current provisions.
Key changes
- ‘Expectation’ to be built into the work schedules; Ideally in generic and then clarified in the personalised.
- Return journey is eligible for mileage claims.
- No cap on eligible mileage [but there is a link to HEE’s excess mileage claims policy; underpinned by the principle that a trainee can’t claim for the same miles travelled twice].
- The Reserve rate, of 28p per mile, will apply.
- No deduction of normal commuting costs from value of mileage claims [therefore treated as a taxable benefit].
Download the GP mileage guidance (PDF) and the reimbursement for backdated (PDF) claims guidance.