Foundation programme review - self development time (SDT)

Details regarding the foundation review and the role NHS Employers has to deliver four of the recommendations. Including information about self-development time (SDT).
In 2020 the foundation programme review was led by Health Education England (HEE) in conjunction with the Royal Colleges, the Medical Schools Council, the General Medical Council (GMC), the British Medical Association (BMA) and trainees.
One of the core threads of HEE’s programme was to reform medical education and review the delivery of the UK Foundation Programme, which prepares graduates from medical school for specialty training. The recommendations within the report provided an important contribution to delivering the aspirations for medicine set out in the NHS Long Term Plan and subsequent Interim NHS People Plan.
Following completion of the foundation programme review, HEE published a report Supported from the start; ready for the future: The Postgraduate Medical Foundation Programme Review (PDF) which made 16 recommendations designed to develop the programme in line with ongoing changes in medical practice and healthcare delivery.
NHS Employers was asked by HEE to play a lead role in delivery of four of the recommendations:
- Recommendation 1: The transition for, and preparation of, those entering foundation training must be improved to better prepare foundation doctors for the next stages of their development
- Recommendation 4: HEE will work with NHS Employers to develop a Foundation Doctor Charter defining how local education providers (LEPs) will support foundation training, including best practice and minimum standards
- Recommendation 12: LEPs must ensure that foundation supervisors are valued and have appropriate training and skills and specific time allocated for their roles
- Recommendation 14: HEE will engage with key stakeholders to assess how foundation doctors can be given time in the working week for professional self-development (‘self-development’ time)
More information can be found via HEE’s foundation programme review page.
Self-development time
A recommendation from the review was to ensure all foundation doctors have time formally included in their work schedules for non-clinical professional activities and that this would be called ‘self-development time’.
One of the findings showed that some foundation year one (F1) doctors and foundation year two (F2) doctors struggled to carry out some of their educational/clinical supervisors, reflective practice and completion of e-portfolios and the transition from undergraduate study to employment as a doctor in training could be challenging.
Self-development time (SDT) is intended to be used for formal meetings with supervisors, reflecting on clinical practice, use of e-portfolio, preparing/delivering teaching, quality improvement activity and career exploration. More information on intended uses, and activities not intended for self-development time can be found in the HEE intended uses of self-development time document (PDF).
SDT was rolled out from August 2020 in order to support the health and wellbeing of doctors.
- All trusts with foundation doctors need to include two hours per week self-development time in the work schedules of F2 doctors from August 2020.
HEE evaluated the first year of this scheme, listening to feedback from trainees themselves and the system and it has been determined that from August 2021.
- All trusts with foundation doctors need to include two hours per week self-development time in the work schedules of F1 doctors.
The formalisation of self-development time will also be evaluated as part of the recommendations of the wider foundation programme review, allowing for any further adjustments to be made.
If you have any further questions or comments regarding self-development time, please get in touch with the medical workforce team.
We have developed a set of frequently asked questions on self-development time