Flexible pay premia: background information

Flexible pay premia: background information
When the flexible pay premias (FPP) was designed, for those other than general practice, the annual figure was established for each relevant programme by dividing a nominal total figure over the length of the eligible years of training. This created an comparable baseline annual FPP figure for each training programme, which have subsequently been uplifted by pay awards.
The relevant entitlement for FPP purposes is the prevailing annual rate for that year, as detailed in the pay circular. For instance, if someone’s Certificate of Completion of Training (CCT) is put back by a year, they will continue to receive the FPP for another year. If they join the programme part way through, they will receive the FPP at the annual rate for the time that they are in the programme.
The psychiatry pay premium is applied to the full length of the training programme. When the FPP was designed, the annual figure was created by distributing the nominal total evenly between the two applicable parts of the programme, with half applied over the years of core training and the other half over the years of higher training. This created the baseline annual FPP figures in 2016, which have since been uplifted by pay awards.
Emergency medicine and oral and maxillofacial surgery
Because emergency medicine and oral and maxillofacial surgery have variable lengths of higher training, there is a table which gives the relevant annual FPP figure depending on the length of the higher training programme.
It is the length of the full time programme that is relevant, not the length of time an individual doctor spends on the programme. For less-than-full-time doctors, the standard full time FPP should be used and this will then be pro-rated by Electronic Staff Record (ESR).
Dual accreditation
As per Schedule 2, paragraph 33 of the TCS, where a doctor in a hard-to-fill specialty is working towards dual accreditation, the value of the annual premium will be pro rata to the progress the trainee is making towards CCT.