Breakdown by pay band [Archived]

The 2018 contract for staff under the NHS terms and conditions of service made changes that are applicable to all bands and some that are band specific. Find out more about specific changes to each pay band under the deal.
The agreement contains some changes that are universal to all bands, for example, removal of pay band overlaps, higher starting pay, fewer pay points, and a new progression system.
This page gives some more information on changes specific to certain pay bands.
Band 1 - 3
Key changes include:
- Band 1 to be closed to new entrants from the 01 December 2018.
- Upskilling of current band 1 roles to band 2 roles to be completed by 31 March 2021.
- Those unable or unwilling to move into new band 2 roles to be able to remain in their current band 1 role.
- Band 1 to become a single spot salary.
- Band 2 and band 3 will have two step points and take a minimum of two years to progress to the top of their band.
- The minimum pay rate for the NHS will be above the Living Wage Foundation living wage rate as of November 2017.
- Those existing staff earning £18,160 or less to retain their unsocial hours payments whilst off sick.
- For the next three years the unsocial hours percentage rates will be adjusted to reflect the increase in basic salary, while preserving the value of the current payment tiers.
Bands 4 – 7
Key changes include:
- Shorter periods to progress to the top of the pay band:
- Band 4 will have two step points and take a minimum of three years to progress to the top of the band.
- Band 5 will have three step points, taking a minimum of two years to progress from the entry step point to the mid step point and then a further minimum of two years to progress to the top of the band.
- Band 6 and band 7 will have three step points, taking a minimum of two years to progress from the entry step point to the mid step point and then a further minimum of three years to progress to the top of the band.
- No specific changes to the terms and conditions for bands 4 to 7.
Bands 8a – 9
Key changes include:
- Bands 8 and band 9 will have two step points taking a minimum of five years to progress from the entry step point to the top of the band.
- For band 8C, 8D and band 9, the top step point will have a 5 to 10 per cent of their basic salary annually re-earnable, subject to meeting performance requirements.
- Those staff with reserved rights from the NHS Terms and Conditions 2013 changes will continue to receive protection on a marked time basis.
- Pay increase for those on band 8D and band 9 will be capped at the increase for those on the top step point in band 8C.