Closing band 1 FAQs
Frequently asked questions on the closing of band 1.
Showing 61 - 70 of 80 results
Alice Sorby and Ludlow Johnson highlight the work of the NHS Staff Councils' Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group.
11 November 2020
Job evaluation leads will be able to work through the checklist in partnership and use their findings to create an action plan and report back.
22 April 2020
Guidance to support organisations, managers and employees to improve the way menopause is addressed at work.
9 March 2020
Download the job analysis questionnaire which is needed to evaluate a job locally in your organisation.
27 January 2020
An overview of key points relating to annual leave and sickness from the most important cases, together with frequently asked questions on this issue.
5 November 2019
Read how you can support your managers, staff and their trade union safety representatives to help create a culture that improves staff safety.
15 October 2019
Various scenarios illustrating how occupational shared parental leave and pay should work.
18 September 2019
The pay progression system came into effect 1 April 2019 for new starters or those promoted to a new role on or after 1 April 2019.
7 June 2019