Values-based recruitment

Values based recruitment (VBR) is an approach to recruitment which will help you find people whose personal values match with your organisation.
VBR can be delivered in a number of ways, for example through:
- pre-screening assessments
- values based interviewing techniques (role play, written responses to scenarios)
- assessment centre approaches.
Case studies and resources
Read about the approaches NHS trusts have taken to implement values based recruitment in their organisations.
- A case study by North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust demonstrates how volume recruitment events for healthcare support workers focus on suitable values and behaviours of individuals rather than prioritising skills and experience.
- Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust filled vacancies by recruiting from the communities it serves with a variety of initiatives. Read the case study to find out how.
- Values based recruitment and York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals - a case study looking at how York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has reviewed and improved its VBR.
- Using positive action to create a fairer recruitment process - a blog which explores how placing more focus on values during recruitment can create a more inclusive process.
National VBR programme and framework
The NHS National VBR programme has been designed to help employers and higher education institutes assess the values and behaviours of candidates, to align with the NHS constitution. The VBR framework, a user guide and an equality and diversity analysis for the programme, includes case studies, tools and other supporting resources. Find out more on the NHS England website.